So I guess in order for this all to make sense I should tell you who I am. I will try to keep my sarcasm to a minimum. I am 29 year old mother, wife, sister, daughter, and of yeah I am a fat girl! I have been heavy (haha that sounds funny) my entire life. Well at least as far back as I can remember. I have been called every name in the book and felt every emotion; mad, sad, upset, indifferent. About 6 monthes ago I attended a weight loss seminar to discuss surgical options. I went with my mom and decided to pursue the process of getting Lap-Band Surgery. What is that you ask? Well according to the offical website , "The LAP-BAND® Adjustable Gastric Banding System is a simple yet
advanced gastric banding system that helps you gradually lose and control your weight by reducing the amount of food that your stomach can hold at one time." Sounds lovely right? So why did I decide to go this route? Well, It's the least invasive way to go and I have done the diets, the gym memberships and the whole shabang but unfortunatly life happens and you gain it all back! I don't expect this to be a miracle procedure, I know that there will be a lot of hard work and dedication to be successful.

So here is where I am with this process so far, I have met with a dietician and am working on changing my normal eating patterns and today I had a barium swallow done. Oh my freaking lord, I thought I was going to kutz (kutz: verb - to violently puke and gag) on the radiology tech! It was foul! Oh, did I mention that even though I am in the medical field that I can not stand the sight of blood or anything else bodily? Yeah see I told you this would get interesting! Enough for now, more to come...
P.S. That is me at the top, no not the big thing in red, that's Santa, I would be the big thing in green! (also pictured are the hubby and the son)
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