Thursday, February 26, 2009
It's a date!
I had my meeting with the surgeon yesterday afternoon. He was quite pleased with my commitment to changing my ugly habits and approved me for surgery.. So 2 weeks from monday it's finally my day! That s March 16th, 2009. No green beer for me on St Paddy's day! (I don't drink anyways!) I went to the hospital after my appointment and picked up my optifast and last night I got a personal blender from Wal-mart. I feel great. I am so excited and looking forward to the amazing future that is in store for me. This Saturday we are going to take our 2009 family pictures. I can't wait to see the difference in 2010!!!
Monday, February 23, 2009
ready to go!
So it is Monday and I had an amazing weekend up in Orlando. Words can not accurately describe the concert and do it justice. Sunday I went to a dear friend's baby shower and today it is back to the grind. I have my final Dr's appt 2 days from now. I can't believe this process is at it's peak and yet it all begins again after surgery. I have decided to try and schedule my surgery date 2 weeks from the appointment because I want to get it over with and the sooner the better. I had a bit of a nervous breakdown last night in talking about things with my family. I totally forgot that when I got my wisdom teeth pulled the year before I got married that I went under anesthesia. Hoot hoot! now I am not quite as scared as before. Still nervous but riding the fine line of fear. If my surgery gets scheduled for the 2 weeks out I will officially be on a liquid diet as of Thursday. Yong offered to go on the diet with me to be supportive but I don't know if 2 miserable people in the house will be safe! I will update after the Doctor! Oh yeah and today is my 7 year wedding anniversary.. Does anyone see diamond earrings in my future?
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Hi My Name is Jen, and I am fat...

Check out the title, that was what I was expecting from the recommended support group meeting that I was encouraged to attend. I went and Yong came along with me. Was I ever wrong! I was so pleasantly surprised at the fact that it was time well spent, so much in fact that we stayed behind talking about 30 minutes after the meeting. The group was led by the same psychiatrist who did my psych eval. He is so calm and really has the tendencies to control the emotional environment. I really enjoyed talking to the other girls that were there, I got alot of great insight and now have a better grasp of what to expect. This afternoon I go to meet with my PCP for his blessing and then next week is the big appt with my surgeon! It is getting close!!!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Weekend suckfest

I went to the dietitian appointment on Friday and her scale only put me at 15.2 lbs lost. That sucks, my scale and hers has been on point this entire process so that means that I am fluctuating again. And that bites, as far as the surgery goes I am not required to lose any weight but I want my file to look really good so that when the packet gets submitted to my insurance company for approval it is smooth sailing. After the appointment hubby and I took advantage of Jake being at school and went to the gym, we decided to try the express circuit and see how we made out. Holy hell did it work! We were both sweaty messes when we left and it was definitely challenging. The downside to the workout was that my muscles ached me all weekend and I had to forgo my Sunday workout because my legs were still sore. It's cool though, instead I went to the park with Jakers and my godson and we played Frisbee and baseball.
Saturday night was Valentine's and we spent a romantic evening watching grown and sweaty men bashing each other... Got to love hockey. The lightning lost 5-1 and that sucked but it was a fun night out. This week I have my final meeting with my primary care physician to get his approval and then we are off to Orlando. I am sooooo freakin excited because #1 it is our 7th anniversary and #2 The hubby is taking me to Universal Studios Mardi gras to see Ne-Yo in concert. I can not wait, he is my most favorite singer! I will update after my PCP appointment! Cheers to the start of another great week!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Hells Yeah!

So I had a rotten morning. Jakers was not thrilled about going to school today and the lovely office lady had to physically remove him from my car... I called the hubby to bitch but he was soooo busy getting ready for the gold tournament and all of the b.s. this morning put me on the road 20 minutes behind schedule. I arrived at school and opened the class for my students and figured since I was already irritated that I would go weigh myself in case I didn't see any changes. Well Hells Bells was I wrong!!! I put the little slider thing to my -15 mark and it clunked down because it was too heavy! So I slowly slid it to the left and guess what.... I LOST 5 more lbs! Woo Hoo I am down 20 before I even meet with my surgeon again! I guess that Wii bitch who yells at me to keep my ass movin knows what she is talking about! WOO HOO!!
Agenda for tonight... Take Jakers to church and sign up for the gym... let the anxiety begin!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Monday monday.....
It was a pleasant weekend to say the least. Friday the Hubby and I were both off so we went and had lunch with Jakers at school and then went and spent 2 damn hours at t-mobile upgrading our phones. I got the G1 (Google phone) and I can't figure out how to work the damn thing! Saturday night we went to the hockey game. It was the Lightning -vs- the Islanders and we won 1-0. It was an ugly game but hey we will take a win no matter how we get one! They were fighting within the first 4 seconds of the puck drop! I forgot my crystal light mix in so I was forced to drink a water with my hot dog at the game. Since I am typing this after the fact clearly I made it and didn't die, however I just cant get into drinking water. I try I try but I just struggle with it.
Yesterday we had the goal of cleaning all day. Yeah um that didn't happen. I did get Jakers' playroom all cleaned and reorganized. So much in fact that I was inspired to set up my profile on the new Wii game we bout "My personal trainer." So I set it up and did a fitness evaluation. I had to enter my resting heart rate and my working heart rate as well as my height, weight, etc. In the end it told me that I was not in the weight range of a healthy person. NO SHIT SHERLOCK! I was laughing when they said that. It recommended that I start my working out at 4 times a week for 15 minutes each time. I agreed to the commitment and tried to exit my profile when the bitch in the game said "Make sure you come back tonight for your first workout!" She called me out! So I did, I went back about 4 hours later and did my 15 minutes. I wasn't expecting to feel anything but I can honestly say I was winded and all sweaty. Hey it may be only 15 minutes but at least my ass is up and moving. I figure this combined with my walking should start to show me some more movement on the scale. (I am still hanging out right around the 15 lbs lost area). So I will keep you posted. According to my commitment I am going to workout again tonight (as I was reminded by the bitch on my tv!) so I am interested to see if the routine will be any different tonight. I will keep you posted... BTW Only 16 more days til I meet with the surgeon to find out if I am approved!!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
What's been going on...
I spent part of the weekend in Daytona Beach at a conference for school. The food offerings were horrible, Huge muffins, pastries, etc, cookies desserts. Wow. I did the best that I could in resisting and I packed my crystal light mix ins to drink so I was just fine in the beverage department. One of the people I roomed with was sick so now I am fighting off her sickness. I have felt like crap for the past 3 days and there is no end in site! I weighed myself yesterday and I still managed to loose a pound. All things considered I am ok with that. That shows that my choices weren't the worst I could have done. So, now I am down to 15 lbs lost and I an content with that for now.
Sunday when I should have been resting I spent the whole day trying to put together a costume for Jake. Yesterday was his 100th day of school. For the 100th day celebration the kids are supposed to dress up as if they were 100 years old. His costume came out too cute! My next appointments are Next Friday with the dietitian, The 19th with my PCP, and then the 25th with the surgeon. So basically in about 3 weeks I should be getting my date for surgery! Keep your fingers crossed for me!
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