So I had a rotten morning. Jakers was not thrilled about going to school today and the lovely office lady had to physically remove him from my car... I called the hubby to bitch but he was soooo busy getting ready for the gold tournament and all of the b.s. this morning put me on the road 20 minutes behind schedule. I arrived at school and opened the class for my students and figured since I was already irritated that I would go weigh myself in case I didn't see any changes. Well Hells Bells was I wrong!!! I put the little slider thing to my -15 mark and it clunked down because it was too heavy! So I slowly slid it to the left and guess what.... I LOST 5 more lbs! Woo Hoo I am down 20 before I even meet with my surgeon again! I guess that Wii bitch who yells at me to keep my ass movin knows what she is talking about! WOO HOO!!
Agenda for tonight... Take Jakers to church and sign up for the gym... let the anxiety begin!
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