Monday, June 22, 2009

long time no post

I know I know, You don't even have to say it. My last post was like a month and a half ago and I have been busy. Not too much has happened. Well I got another fill, making it my second one to date. I still don't know if I am feeling everything that I "should" be. Am I eating less? Yeah... Am I hungry? No... So technically I guess I am feeling what I am supposed to but everyone else talks about this feeling of restriction and Productive Burping and stuff like that and I just haven't experienced it so I guess I am lucky. The last time I weighed myself was a week ago and I am down a total of 70 pounds. I am 4 clothing sizes down from where I started and I feel good. I can see the difference in my face like in pictures and stuff but I can't really tell when I look in the mirror because I am so used to seeing myself another way. I leave for vacation at the end of this week but I will try to update on a more regular bases.