Monday, January 12, 2009

Clowns, Calories, and Anxiety.. OH MY!

So many topics, so much to share!

Ok clowns first, Went to the circus yesterday with the Jakester and my sister. Has an amazing time. We were in the 3rd row right in the center, had a great view of everything and Jake was in awe! We got showered with confetti in the end and it was a lot of fun (minus the wrinkled confetti pieces I found in my bra later that evening!) Some pictures are attached. I can not believe the amazing things the acrobats do with their bodies, it is just unbelievable.

Later that evening after dinner Jake "worked out" with me. Lol I have been doing some basic strengthening exercises to get my booty moving again. We did 3 sets of 10 on wall push ups, crunches, chair sits (squats) and calf raises. Today my legs feel like spaghetti, I guess that means it was effective! Jake had a blast exercising with me, he kept telling me I was doing good. LOL! I want to squeeze him to pieces!

I weighed myself this morning and am down a total of 6 lbs. Who knows if it is accurate or not but I will take what I can get!

Can I vent for a sec? (course I can, this is my frickin blog!) So, In return for me doing all the childcare duties in the morning (getting Jake up and fed for school as well as getting myself ready for my 45 minute drive) The hubby makes both mine and Jake's lunch. So this morning I go in the bag to get out the bottle of water I drink on the way to work and there is a huge sandwich in there. Of course I immediately call him and ask why on earth he would pack that. He said "I thought you could eat what you want and throw the rest out." Now mind you he has never fought a weight battle in his life, although he has fought my battle with me the entire time we have been together (almost 11 years!). The first thing I did before responding was count to 10, I had to because I was fit to scream at him. I said calmly." If I had the willpower to eat just what I needed and throw the rest out do you really think that I would be in the predicament that I am in now?" Is it all men who act borderline ignorant or just mine? He seemed to take note of the quasi ugly tone I used and simply said "Point taken." I hope the message I was going for really got across. I would like to screamed and yelled but I contained it since Jakers was in the car! LOL!

Ok so we covered clowns and calories, moving right along to anxiety... I am scared to death! I have never had major surgery before and I am seriously scared about the anesthesia. A friend of mine who had gastric bypass said she felt the same way but she is so glad that she went through with it. I am just nervous that the closer I get to the surgery date the more anxious I am going to feel. UGH! One of the things that I know I need to do is write a will just in case but that has me tripping out as well. I just don't know what to think. By all means I fully intend to go through with this but man oh man are my nerves on edge!


  1. Hey Jen - I seriously freaked out before my surgery and I've had serious major surgery before but it will all be over so quickly and you will wake up with the gas pain and won't be able to sleep or get comfy and you will wonder what you have done then by day 4 or 5 it will be a miracle day and you will be so happy with the decision and same with every day after :-)

  2. Thanks for the reassurance. I strongly feel like I am making the best decision for me. I appreciate the encouragement!

  3. Having anxiety about surgery is normal my sweet. Perhaps when you worry about it you could try to focus on the positives of what you are doing...there are so many. Or you could just think of me...twinkle, twinkle.

  4. When do I not think of you? Can't wait for this weekend!
